Many Truss-backers within the Conservative Party may have to learn the hard way that what is really holding back the UK economy are the economic costs of Brexit.
Scottish Independence? A Hard Brexit?
Boris Johnson’s latest Brexit moves give the Scottish independence movement a fresh impulse.
Healthcare Lessons for the Post-Corona World
Unlike the fallout from the 2008/9 global financial crisis, improving the healthcare sectors across the world should not retard economic growth.
Coronavirus: Scenarios for Europe
What is the economic fallout going to be for sure? And what will it be if it’s a bad case?
UK Election: Johnson and Tories Weakening?
Final polls cast some doubt over a Conservative majority.
Brexitology: Dog Chases Tail, Again
Theresa May’s authority is so eroded that her latest attempt to finally resolve Brexit will likely fail.
The Big Brexit Mess
UK poll shift sends clear message to the two major parties – sort Brexit out fast.
Brexit Vote Trilogy: Predictions and Observations
A surprise outcome in the key votes in the UK parliament this week is unlikely.