What are the challenges for Italy?
Italy: The Least Bad Outcome
Sergio Mattarella stays on as president, Mario Draghi remains prime minister. For Italy and Europe, this is the least bad outcome of Italy’s presidential election.
Merkel’s Fall from Grace
Germany’s long-term leading government party faces an uncertain political future.
Europe’s COVID 19 Response Put in Perspective
The EU tends to move more slowly — but it does get its act together.
US Elections Update: A Narrower Lead for Biden
Despite a tightening race, another come-from-behind victory for Trump as in 2016 is very unlikely in 2020.
Boris Breaks the Divorce Treaty: What Can the EU Do?
The ways in which the EU can put pressure on a UK that is going rogue are very limited — and potentially vast at the same time.
Brexit Negotiations: What Are They Waiting For?
In its negotiations with the EU, the UK government still puts false hopes on “heavenly” intervention by Germany’s Angela Merkel.
Germany’s COVID 19 Comeback Story
Germany looks at a solid, but uneven economic rebound from the pandemic, largely based on a pronounced home bias in economic activity.
France: Au Revoir, Monsieur Philippe
One has to doubt that France’s new prime minister, Jean Castex, will pursue many reforms ahead of 2022.
COVID 19: Assessing the Global Political Fallout
The COVID 19 pandemic and the ensuing mega-recession may shape political debates and choices for a long time.