Despite great hardship, the Nishanti family remain in their coastal home.
Tourism Takes Over in Oman
The rise of beachfront resorts blocks local access to the sea that fed generations of Omanis.
Moving with the Market in India
An man from the slums of India makes his living by doing the dangerous work of painting high-rise towers in Kolkata.
Amidst the War, Find Music on the West Bank
Hidden within Palestine’s contested West Bank, one man brings joy through music to the local people.
Traditional Handicrafts in Peru
Civil strife has forced a craftsman from the mountains of Peru to live off what he can create with his hands.
Ghana’s Bamboo Bicycles
An enterprising Ghanaian man works with a team of locals to produce stunning bicycles from bamboo.
Karate Comes to Burkina Faso
Asian martial arts films have inspired young people in Burkina Faso to pick up karate.
Solar Sustainability in Egypt
An innovative start-up in Egypt provides a means for local farmers to use clean solar energy on their farms.
Corn Provides Life in Nicaragua
Farmers in Nicaragua still subsist off corn, the crop that made civilization possible in Mesoamerica.
Pedal For Your Life in Guatemala!
Carlos Enrique Marroquin runs an innovative charity in Guatemala that recycles bicycle parts into pedal-powered machines.