Andreas Umland

Andreas Umland is a senior expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and editor of the book series “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society.”

Putin’s Devious Plans If Joe Biden Wins

With the prospects rising that Joe Biden will be elected President of the U.S., does the U.S. have to prepare for made-in-Russia mayhem?

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Belarus and Ukraine: Historic Parallels, Russia’s Imperial Designs

Belarus is on a path of national rebirth that is increasingly incompatible with Putin’s pan-Slavic expansionism.

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Zelensky and the Donbas Conflict

Why Kyiv’s confrontation with Moscow in Eastern Ukraine will continue without an EU policy change.

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Is Zelensky a Ukrainian Trump?

Why the choice of an unlikely figure as Volodymyr Zelensky to become President provides Ukrainians reason for hope.

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Ukraine, the West and a Dead End

What the West must do so that a reformed Ukraine can survive in the face of a continuing Russian threat.

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Ukraine’s “Success Trap”

Within five to ten years, Ukraine will be a largely renewed country with less corruption and stronger rule of law than today. But Putin & Co. remain a big risk factor.

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Why the West Misunderstands Russia’s Challenge

Looking past the bluster and hyperbole of Russia’s political leaders and business elites.

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How to Influence Russian Public Opinion?

Russian social networks are potential channels for spreading the truth about the Kremlin’s corruption and propaganda.

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Russo-Turkish Confrontation and Future of Putin’s Regime

Repercussions inside Russia of the jet incident on the Syrian border.

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Quo Vadis, Putin? An Answer in Five Points

Reflections on Putin and Russian domestic politics.

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