Tag Archives: credit ratings

Reforming South Africa’s Economy

The successful unbundling of utilities giant Eskom would aid badly needed structural reforms in the South African economy.

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A Transatlantic Reversal of Fortune

Is America's optimistic spirit of renewal more likely to reassert itself in Brussels than in Washington?

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After the S&P Downgrade: It’s Anybody’s World

Does the U.S. credit downgrade mark the end of the country’s economic dominance?

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Today’s Europe and the Twisted Benefits of Rating Agencies

Why can rating agencies do more to improve the financial health of countries than anything else?

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The Way Out of Greece’s Insolvency — And Into Europe’s Future

How will building up Greece’s capital base provide a long-term solution to the country’s fiscal woes?

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U.S. Debt Should Be Downgraded to Below Japan’s

Why is Japan’s ability to pay down its debt much stronger than the United States’?

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Rethinking Credit Ratings

How much blame for the global financial crisis should fall with rating agencies?

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