Best of The Globalist

Donald Trump – The Globalist’s Top 15 Features

The Globalist presents its top features on Donald Trump’s journey to the White House.

Credit: R. Gino Santa Maria


  1. Trump and the Fear of Hillary: A Political Psychogram of the 2016 Race

    By Stephan Richter | Men fear failing their families as providers. Trump casts himself subliminally as a super-provider.

  2. Trump’s Mega-Fear: Beaten By a Woman

    By Stephan Richter | What could possibly explain the increasing bizarreness of the Trump campaign? It must have to do with the other candidate in the race.

  3. Trump & America, You Can’t Have It Back Again!

    By Richard Phillips | Grandpa was dead; the kids were being poisoned; mom was enslaved and Armageddon was just around the corner!

  4. The Republican Party Richly Deserves Donald Trump

    By Stephan Richter | Rather than an outlier, Trump is the perfect front man for the “values” Republicans have been pursuing for well over a decade.

  5. Trump and the Return of American Economic Nationalism

    By Marc-William Palen | How the nineteenth-century battle between free trade and protectionism shaped the global economic order.

  6. “Better Trump than Hillary”: Really?

    By Dan Morrow | Supporters of Trump today make the same devastating mistake as the French right in the 1930s.

  7. Donald Trump is a Latin American Demagogue at Heart

    By Stephen D. Wrage | Trump is a living amalgam of Chavez, Juan Peron and Rafael Trujillo.

  8. Trump the Terrorist

    By Alton Frye | Will the candidate’s encouragement of violence prompt U.S. courts to rethink incitement laws?

  9. Donald Trump Outs Himself as “Bimbo”

    By Stephan Richter | This usage, from almost exactly 100 years ago, rather perfectly describes “The Donald.”

  10. Forget Trump: Austin Powers for President!

    By Alexei Bayer | A presidential impostor tries to sway the masses with buffoonery and deceit.

  11. Trump’s Chance at Making History

    By Alexei Bayer | If Americans don’t take their democracy seriously, they are going to become a global laughingstock.

  12. President Trump: The Magic of American Politics

    By Richard Phillips | Can this crude, narcissistic demagogue actually become President of the United States?

  13. Donald Trump: The Narendra Modi of America?

    By Meghnad Desai | Two outsiders in India and the United States, each determined to tackle their country’s exhausted political establishment.

  14. Trump Supporters Have Good Reason to Be Mad

    By Peter Morici | To men who have seen their economic opportunities fade, Trump sounds like he is making a good deal of sense.

  15. Trump: Turn All of America Into Another Atlantic City

    By Stephan Richter | Donald Trump made many false promises to the people of Atlantic City. Americans can’t say they weren’t properly forewarned.

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