Patricia Smith Melton

Founder and board chair, PEACE X PEACE

Patricia Smith Melton is the founder, former executive director and now board chair of Peace X Peace, an international non-profict organization that uses the Internet to support the peace-building work of women — locally and globally.

Their Global Network includes more than 1000 women’s groups in 65 nations linked as Sister Circles for direct cross-cultural conversations for education, infromation and collaboration.

In 1990, Ms. Smith Melton co-founded the Melton International Education Foundation, which brings together university students in India, China, Chile, Germany and the United States to participate in an international effort using the Internet to establish cross-cultural understanding.

She also served as executive producer and co-director of the documentary “Peace By Peace: Women on the Frontlines.” Filmed in Afghanistan, Burundi, Bosnia, Argentina and the United States, this award-winning film highlights the often invisible work of women around the world to build the conditions necessary for sustainable peace.

Ms. Smith Melton is a poet, playwright and photographer with more than 30 years of experience in the arts.

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