Martin Schram

Author and syndicated journalist

Martin Schram has been a Washington journalist, editor and author for more than three decades. He is a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and appears frequently as a commentator on various television networks.

Mr. Schram is the author of five books and is the co-editor of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Mandate for Change, a policy blueprint published in 1992 by Berkley Books.

Mr. Schram has traveled extensively in reporting on major events and trouble spots. His assignments have taken him to Europe, the Middle East, South America, Asia and the Pacific, and Africa.

He has lectured on the subject of the role of the news media in international affairs, appearing before audiences of European military officers and defense ministry officials, including at the NATO Defense College in Rome.

Mr. Schram earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Florida in 1964, majoring in political science. He began his news career in 1963 as a reporter for The Miami News.

In 1967, he became a correspondent in Newsday’s Washington bureau, and was named Newsday’s Washington bureau chief and senior editor in 1972.

In 2001-2003, he served as managing editor of “Avoiding Armageddon,” an eight-hour PBS television documentary series produced under the auspices of Ted Turner Documentaries, LLC.

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