Maritta Koch-Weser

Maritta Koch-Weser is an anthropologist, environmentalist and social entrepreneur with field experience in Latin America, South & East Asia, and in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

She has spent her entire career in international development, including in managerial positions at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., for some 20 years and subsequently as Director General of IUCN -The World Conservation Union (

Maritta Koch-Weser is also the Founder and President of Earth3000, a non-profit organization supporting strategic innovations in governance for environment and development ( She also serves on a number of supervisory and advisory boards of NGOs, companies and in the academic sector. She is Vice Chair of the WWF Supervisory Board, Germany.

In 2015 she also co-founded and became President of World Heritage Watch – an international NGO network that cares for the protection of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

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