Jonathan Schell

Visiting Professor at the New School

Jonathan Schell now teaches at Wesleyan University and the New School and is the Harold Willens Peace Fellow at The Nation Institute.

Mr. Schell was a writer and editor at the New Yorker between 1967 and 1987 and — and Deputy Editor for 1987-88.

He has received several awards including the Award for Literature, American Academy and Institute for Arts and Letters (1973), Doctor of Humane Letters.

Jonathan Schell has also been a Media Studies Center Fellow (1996-97), a Guggenheim Fellow (1989) — and a recipient of a MacArthur Foundation grant for writing on Peace and Security (1989-90).

In addition to English, Jonathan Schell speaks French and Japanese. He has taught at Princeton University and New York University.

Jonathan Schell received his B.A., Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard University in 1965 and did graduate work in intensive Japanese at the International Christian University.

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