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Child Trafficking: A Global Scourge

The elimination of child exploitation is a daunting task. But it is achievable if effective programs are put in place.

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Alzheimer’s: An Artistic View

Syrian-American photographer Bachar Azmeh gives his artistic interpretation of what happens in the brains of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

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Health Consequences of Overwork

Death by overwork affects not only the families of the deceased, but also the industries they worked in and the national economy.

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Modernity: No Shield Against Genocide

As long as we put our short-sighted political interest above human lives, we prove we have learned little from history and are condemned to repeat it.

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How Donald Trump Is Losing the Trade War

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Trump is not so much fighting China on trade as turning the U.S. into China.

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US Cuba Policy Is an Embarrassment

The Trump administration’s policy toward Cuba will only increase the antagonism between the Cuban and US governments.

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Political Courage Compared: US Vs. Turkey

Why is standing up to one-man rule and presidential nepotism actively pursued among AK Party grandees in Turkey, but not by Republicans in the U.S.?

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In Charts: Checking Up on India

A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring India.

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US-China Trade: It’s Politics, Stupid!

A better safety net for Americans is the issue that should be addressed with at least as much vigor as tariffs on Chinese goods.

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The Republicans-Trump-Putin Love Triangle

Why does the sitting U.S. President continue to praise Putin and show him great signs of deference?

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