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Iran: Another Hong Kong, But No Russia or North Korea

The two messages from the Iranian people to their leaders: First, for all your gloating about Iran’s nuclear arsenal, nobody can eat nuclear weapons. Second, we want a different future.

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(In)Famous Western Alliances with the Soviet Union/Russia

Soviet Communists and the Nazis collaborated in the 1930s. Why on earth is Trump’s America now pursuing another shameful alliance with an utterly anti-liberal force?

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US and UK: When Culture Trumps Economic Self-Interest

Lower-income voters, at least in the U.S. and UK cases, care more about cultural messaging than their share of the economy.

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Finland, World Leader

What could the U.S. learn from Finland’s stellar example for its own many challenges?

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Lebanon, Dreamland

For all of their original home country’s great history and culture, and the beauty of its landscapes, Lebanon remains a destiny of desire for emigrants, but no more.

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Donald Trump and William Shakespeare

Let’s give credit where credit is due: In his tweets, the U.S. President channels his inner William Shakespeare with amazing aplomb.

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US Impeachment and UK Prorogation: Back to 1710

The last time an impeachment process in the U.S. and prorogation of Parliament in the UK were simultaneously in the news was in 1710.

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Beyond Sino-American Rivalry: Whose Global Narrative?

Is a chastened West that has lost its positive edge doomed to cede innovative impulses for global affairs to China?

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Uncomfortable Truths: “No Charge” Immigrants

Trump’s public charge principle could usefully operate globally.

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Boris Johnson: Africa and the Commonwealth Beware

Johnson thinks Africa can benefit from adopting more British values. He wants it to be a carbon copy of its former colonial masters.

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