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Trump’s Crossing the Rubicon

When faced with his own Rubicon moment, will Trump provoke a crisis or will he stand down?

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Donald Trump, Not Your Grandfather’s Caesar: The Big Differences

Julius Caesar’s and Donald Trump’s outsized ambition and lack of scruples turned them into dangers to republican values and institutions. But how were they different?

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Trump and Caesar: Two Men Above the Law

In their ruthless pursuit of power and self-aggrandizement, both Caesar and Trump run roughshod over laws and norms.

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Donald Trump as Julius Caesar: The Curtain Raiser

Why Donald Trump resembles Julius Caesar more than does Obama or practically any other figure in recent history.

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Donald Lukashenko: Amazing Parallels Between Belarus and the US

Under Trump, the United States — despite 250 years of self-government — may get dangerously close to how Europe’s last dictator has operated in Belarus.

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India-China: Welcome to the TikTok Wars

We live in an age where apps wars between major nations have geo-technological fallout.

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The US and the EU: A Tale of Two Continents

Compared to the extreme disunity and cynicism that rules the U.S. political process, the decision-making process of the EU27 is a sea of calm and rationality.

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The 21st Century Cold War

It is China, not Russia, that is in the U.S.’s crosshairs.

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US and Mexican Parallels: Inequality, Health and Wealth

How COVID 19 highlights blatant levels of social and economic inequality in the United States and Mexico.

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How Angela Merkel Inspires the Japanese

Germany has always been an inspiration to Japan since the country opened itself up. These days, it may be Angela Merkel and her brand of leadership that inspires Japan the most.

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