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Nomadland: A “Chinese” Western

This year’s big Oscar-winner indicates that the U.S. and China are two sides of the same coin.

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Biden: Appeasing Putin?

Putin’s little PR bluster games shows how much Russia has declined in the global league tables of geopolitical relevance. Why Joe Biden won’t take Putin’s bait.

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Of Borders and Metaphors

How the U.S. handles the U.S.-Mexican border will say much about its character as a nation.

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Reining in Facebook and Google: A Common Transatlantic Project

Big Tech media present a serious challenge for Western democracies. Tackling them is a worthy mission for the Biden Administration and the EU to work on jointly.

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Myanmar and the Oppressive Side of the Digital Revolution

Surveillance technology devices from the West and the East have become essential tools for seeing through a coup d’état in the digital age.

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Putin and Erdogan: Two Men Race to the Bottom

Russia’s and Turkey’s lack of a solid economic performance is what motivates their two leaders’ steady resorting to domestic oppression.

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US and India: Stop Your Uncivil Wars at Home!

Democracies are only as healthy as their institutions: A conversation with Gurcharan Das.

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Donald Trump: Dreaming of King James II’s Court in Exile?

Will the 45th U.S. President live out his remaining years in a comfortable palace, surrounded by fawning courtiers who pledge obedience to him as their rightful leader?

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Putin and the Slow-Burn US Civil War

An overly lengthy transition period can be highly destabilizing even in the U.S. — a nation that deems itself a mature democracy.

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Moderation After a Divisive Election: Lessons from Britain´s 18th Century

During the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714), Britain was as divided along partisan cultural lines as the United States is today. That history offers hope to Americans.

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