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Johnson’s and Macron’s Uncertain Political Futures

Underneath the clichés of the eternal rivalry between France and England, Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron are closer than most people would believe.

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The Deplorable Parallels Between Apartheid and Caste

De-humanizing the “other” is a daily practice in both India and South Africa.

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Keeping China at Bay: Biden’s Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Blueprint

The best way to counter China’s propaganda would be for the Biden infrastructure programs to show that democracy works by providing concrete benefits to Americans.

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The Chinese-Mexican Bromance

An official apology by Mexico’s President for the 1911 Torreon massacre of Chinese immigrants highlights China’s increasing clout in Mexico.

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India/Japan: The Jugaad-Shokunin Dichotomy

Why the Japan-India relationship refuses to take off.

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My Late Father, the German-Indonesian

Trauma and historical memory in Germany and Indonesia.

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Karl Marx and Milton Friedman: What They Got Right

People on the left and the right view Marx and Friedman as true icons of their causes. The two men are rarely mentioned for their similarities.

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India: The Europe of Asia

Despite a similarity in temperament, Europe and India struggle to enhance their partnership. Why?

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The Naftogaz Maneuver: Ukraine’s Twilight as a Western Country?

How the ouster of a reform-oriented energy sector CEO is a microcosm of Ukraine’s battle to become a Western country.

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U.S. Republicans: Flirting With Fascism

Like their German counterparts in the 1930s, Donald Trump’s Republican enablers in the U.S. Congress have lots of intelligence but no principles.

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