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Ukraine Scenarios for Putin and the World

What kind of Russian occupation – as in Afghanistan? Iraq? Abkhazia? Chechnya? Imagining the day after a Russian conquest of Kyiv is not a pretty picture – also not for Vladimir Putin.

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Why China Weighs in on Ukraine

China’s goal isn’t cuddling up to Russia. It is preventing NATO from interfering in the Indo-Pacific.

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Russia’s “Civilizational” Push into Africa

Putin’s post-Soviet world remains a work in progress, but Africa already looms.

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Myanmar and Ethiopia: Drawing Parallels

Are regional organizations, ASEAN and the AU, taking adequate responsibility to resolve conflicts?

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Is Kazakhstan Russia’s Next Ukraine?

Former Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev may be the last barricade blocking a confrontation between Russia and Kazakstan.

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Closing Memorial: Putin’s Blueprint for U.S. Republicans

How the closure of the Memorial in Russia is a template for the kind of society Republicans want to build in the U.S.

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1971: Big Shifts in China and in the U.S.

The year when China was brought out of its shell — and the U.S. started learning about unsuccessful interventions.

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China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Slowly Imploding?

The Chinese-dominated Pakistani port city of Gwadar — the crown jewel of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) — increasingly looks like a powder keg that has exploded.

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The Merkel-Obama Riddle — Or: What Makes Leaders Hesitate?

Examining the parallels in the political style and performance of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama, the past decade’s transatlantic power couple.

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Boosting Transatlantic Technology Cooperation

The EU and the U.S. need to address the real technology competitiveness challenge, which is China.

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