Best of the Globalist Quiz 2014
A selection of our favorite Globalist Quizzes from 2014.
- #1 Quiz in 2014: Black America's sad balance sheet 50 years after major civil rights reform.
Time for action: Black America’s sad balance sheet 50 years after major civil rights reform.
Published on August 21, 2014
Who’s up, who’s down: How much do you know about the global economy?
Published on October 27, 2014
Which country performs best in terms of equal pay — US, UK, Germany or South Korea?
Published on February 16, 2014
The lack of safe and sanitary toilets remains a daily reality in many parts of the developing world.
Published on November 19, 2014
Of the 193 countries in the United Nations, how many are smaller than Scotland?
Published on September 17, 2014
Which common appliance uses about as much electricity in a year as the average Nigerian does?
Published on May 10, 2014
Which nation spends the most on international tourism?
Published on August 16, 2014
Which major government currently has the highest percentage of women in its cabinet?
Published on October 22, 2014
Key figures on poverty in the United States, five decades after President Johnson launched his “war.”
Published on January 10, 2014
Where does Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey rank in terms of global competitiveness?
Published on August 30, 2014