No rejoicing for the Democrats: Even after a sound defeat, Donald Trump will not go away. In fact, he will immediately launch his 2024 campaign.
Susan Rice?
Why Susan Rice, the former U.S. National Security Advisor, might be a good Vice President for Biden and good enough for his voter base.
Change Is Coming to America
Nearly four years after Barack Obama’s two-term presidency, the political promise he represented might finally be fulfilled.
Donald Trump’s Deadly Crowd Addiction
Why the renewal of campaign mass rallies may get the U.S. President sued, despite waivers being signed.
A Different Post-Corona US?
When public life in small U.S. towns suddenly feels liberating, with almost a Mediterranean feel.
Bobby Kennedy Vs. Trump’s No Show at Minneapolis
Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 appearance in Indianapolis and the art of how to heal a nation.
Trump: The Eternal, Never-Presidential Campaigner
How Donald Trump has regulated the American public’s right to free speech: Every “Presidential” speech is a campaign event. Protest not allowed.
Beyond Trump: The US’s Wrong-Headed Priorities
Reflections on gargantuan levels of military spending, pseudo “efficiency”-minded corporate outsourcing and an ill-fated obsession with American exceptionalism.
COVID 19 and the US: What Lies Ahead
Way beyond the CARES Act, here are six concrete steps the U.S. federal government ought to mandate right now to protect people’s economic livelihood.
COVID 19: Six Concrete Steps to Mandate Right Now
The actions needed to prevent the coronavirus crisis from turning into a financial disaster for the U.S.